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Space data in the agri-food sector: submit your idea for the Veneto region

The “Veneto stars” challenge promoted by the Veneto region is looking for teams of passionate, talented European innovators aged 18-25 who have an idea to solve challenges in the agri-food sector by using space data.

From February 1st to March 15th teams can submit their ideas and get their chance to move in the next phase. By April 1st, ten ideas/concepts will be selected and the correspondent teams will be awarded with a stay in Venice, where they’ll discover opportunities in the area, visit research centres and present their ideas during the Space Meetings Veneto event in May 2023, where the winner will be chosen by a jury of experts and professionals from the space sector.

The winning team will be awarded with a one-week stay in Veneto in September to concretely apply their idea, with the support of experts. With this project, the Veneto Region aims to become a reference point for digital innovation, particularly for dynamic and enterprising young Europeans.

The challenge is open to teams composed of fresh graduates, students, and young professionals aged 18-25, resident in EEA+Switzerland. Teams can be made of 2 to 7 members and shall use space data to address specific challenges of the Veneto Region. Ideas can be submitted ONLY via the official form on the challenge website The contact person will be asked to provide details of all the other team members.

Find more about the terms of the Challenge in the participant guide 


cattura veneto